New Season, New Colors

And just like the leaves, so do the kit colors of NECX change in the fall…

The weather gods blessed us with a proper mudder to debut (and break in) our New England themed kits, custom made by Velocio.


Velocio is a New England based company that designs clothing for New England weather. Cyclocross is a sport that subjects us all to the most extreme of New England weather. Perfect pair if you ask me.

When Andrew reached out to us about working together for cyclocross we jumped at the opportunity. I’ve been a shameless “pee bib” enthusiast for years now. But seriously, ask me how life changing it is to be able to pee on a ride without taking your jersey or jacket off.

And you may have noticed that their bib model looks an awful lot like Leslie (OK it IS Leslie).

Needless to say, we were STOKED at the chance to work with the Velocio team.


And of course, as some things change, others stay the same. We’ve gotten a lot of questions about Team Averica and why our kits changed. I know everyone loves a story, and this is a nice one. Our deal with Averica was for three years, and 2017-2018 was the third year. Over the course of our time with Averica, the company was sold and we knew the contract wouldn’t renew. Jeff, Averica’s founder, has been and continues to be a phenomenal supporter of us as individuals, of our team, and of the sport. Lydia and Julie are taking the fall race season off to enjoy life with uncommitted weekends. We’re all still great friends and supporters of each others’ goals. And of course there’s #Gary. #Gary is still with Leslie and I, taking better care of us than we deserve or could ever imagine.

Vittoria, Feedback, and Bell/Giro are still with us too, for which we are tremendously grateful. There’s really no way to express how exciting it is to work creatively with the people who produce the best equipment there is.

And last, but most definitely not least, with this team we also get the opportunity to work with some of the finest, and fastest men in New England too. More to come on that!